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How Your Industry Can Benefit from Extrude Hone AFM – Food Processing

How Your Industry Can Benefit from Extrude Hone AFM – Food Processing

There are so many industries that benefit from sending components to Extrude Hone AFM. Our patented process makes machine components work more effectively and efficiently, dramatically improving outcomes in industries across the board.

This article is part of a blog series that we recently began on this website. It’s called How Your Industry Can Benefit from Extrude Hone AFM. The first article in this series focused on the automobile industry, which is one of the most important industries in the US. Sending components to Extrude Hone AFM improves fuel and air flow up to 25%, making engines run more efficiently, ultimately reduces exhaust emissions. Go green by partnering with Extrude Hone AFM today. Learn more detailed information in this blog article. 

Now, for this second article in this blog series, we’re turning our gaze to another essential industry here in the US and globally: food processing.

For many people, the food processing industry is basically invisible. Sure, we go to the grocery store, pick up the essentials and a few extra items, and head home. Most of us don’t think much about the tremendous effort that went into the production, processing, transportation, and other highly complex tasks that were necessary for that food to end up in each American’s kitchen.

But those who work in the food processing industry definitely think about that. It can be hard to just go to a grocery store and just zone out because you know the intricacies of the food processing process. 

Anyone who works in the food processing industry knows that two things are absolutely necessary: efficiency and cleanliness.

Modern machinery has made food processing the most efficient it has ever been throughout all history. Robotics seems to be the next frontier in making food processing even faster and most cost-effective.

But the main problem with many food processing machines is that they’re not easy to keep clean and sanitary 100% of the time. The microscopic burrs and cavities in food processing machinery can trap food particles and contaminate future batches. Plus even the tiniest burr will tear instead of cut whatever food is being passed through the machinery, and sooner or later, the burr will break off into the food that’s being processed.

Avoid unsanitary practices at your food processing facility by partnering with Extrude Hone AFM today. Our patented Ultra Pure process has been specially designed for the food processing industry. We customize each Ultra Pure process to precisely achieve the intended result for each component sent to us. The Ultra Pure process effectively removes even the tiniest, microscopic burrs and polishes all surfaces perfectly, so the possibility of contamination becomes slim to none. 

Find out why hundreds of other food processing companies have partnered with Extrude Hone AFM – request your custom quote today by calling (562) 531-2976 or emailing